Summary report: Developing community: Following the Waimahia Inlet affordable housing initiative

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Building Better Homes, Towns, and Cities (BBHTC) National Science Challenge
(c) The author/s
This brief report summarises findings of a longitudinal case study of the Waimahia Inlet housing development. A more detailed analysis can be found in Witten, Opit, Fergusson and Kearns (2018).
Waimahia Inlet is an affordable housing development located in Weymouth on an estuary of the Manukau Harbour, 23 km south of the Auckland CBD and 5km southwest of Manukau City centre. It was developed by Tāmaki Makaurau Community Housing Limited (TMCHL), an incorporated body comprising the Tāmaki Collective, Te Tumu Kāinga, Community of Refuge Trust (CORT) and the New Zealand Housing Foundation. This consortium of Māori organisations and community housing providers (CHPs) shared a mission to provide affordable, good-quality housing, with a focus on meeting the housing needs of Maori and Pasifika families.
Waimahia is an interesting case study of affordable housing provision for a number of reasons:
• its 295 dwellings make it Aotearoa’s largest third sector housing development;
• the complementary expertise of the consortium partners enabled an innovative organisational structure to be developed to finance and deliver the development;
• it is a mixed tenure neighbourhood with 70% of homes either assisted home-ownership (shared equity and rent-to-buy/home saver) or retained by the community housing providers as affordable rentals; and
• 50 % of households are Māori and 15% Pasifika.
Witten K, Opit S, Ferguson E, Kearns R. (2019). Summary report: Developing community: Following the Waimahia Inlet affordable housing initiative. 1-8. Building Better Homes, Towns, and Cities (BBHTC) National Science Challenge.