Provision of lucerne in the diet or as a manipulable enrichment material enhances feed efficiency and welfare status for growing-finishing pigs

This research investigated the effects of including lucerne in a diet and as manipulable enrichment material on growing-finishing pig growth performance and behaviour. Forty-eight intact male Duroc × (Large White × Landrace) pigs with an initial live weight (LW) of 26.4 ± 2.32 kg (mean ± SD) were blocked by LW and randomly assigned to two dietary treatments (control vs lucerne), and two manipulable material treatments (without and with lucerne chaff for manipulable material). The barley and soybean meal-based control diet was formulated according to a commercial standard, while the lucerne diet replaced 100 g/kg of the barley and soybean oil in the control diet with lucerne chaff. The diets were formulated to have the same amount of digestible energy and apparent ileal digestible lysine. Manipulable material (lucerne chaff) was provided daily at 100 g/pig. Pigs had ad libitum access to diets via electronic feeders until they reached approximately 90 kg LW, at which time they were slaughtered. There were no interactions between dietary treatment and provision of manipulable material on pig production and behaviour. Feeding the lucerne diet reduced average daily feed intake, LW gain, feed intake per feeder visit, and feeding rate, but increased feed efficiency (P < 0.05). Access to manipulable material did not affect any growth traits, but the number of feeder visits per day was greater and the duration of visits to the feeder was lower in pigs that had access to lucerne chaff (P < 0.001). Compared to the other groups, pigs that consumed the lucerne diet or had access to manipulable material rested for a shorter duration but engaged in more social interactions and exploration behaviour. In conclusion, including 10% lucerne in growing-finishing diets improved feed efficiency and lucerne chaff appears to be an attractive enrichment source to pigs.
(c) The Author/s
Livestock Science, 2022, 264