Correction to: A Framework for Reviewing Silvopastoralism: A New Zealand Hill Country Case Study (Land, (2021), 10, 12, (1386)

dc.contributor.authorMackay-Smith TH
dc.contributor.authorBurkitt L
dc.contributor.authorReid J
dc.contributor.authorLópez IF
dc.contributor.authorPhillips C
dc.description.abstractThe authors would like to make the following correction to the published article [1]. There was a miscommunication with the journal editors regarding the formatting of the table. Individual points within table boxes were removed for the final manuscript so there were duplicate references in each table box. The following changes were made to the references in Table 2: “McIvor et al. [42]” was removed from Page 8; “Charlton et al. [25]” was removed from Page 10; “Marden and Phillips [49]”, “Charlton et al. [25]” and “Boffa Miskell Limited [50]” × 2 were removed from Page 11 and from Page 10. Additionally, colons were added between references where necessary. Other changes include the following: “survivial” was changed to “survival” on Page 11; “Quantatiative” was changed to “quantitative” on Page 11; to was removed on Page 11; “precence” was changed to “presence” on Page 13; “11.5 year old” was changed to “11.5-year-old” on Page 8; “16 year-old” was changed to “16-year-old” on Page 8; “32.0-year-old” was changed to “32-year-old” on Page 8; and “5.0, 7.0 and 9.5 year old” changed to “5, 7, and 9.5 years old”. Finally, “≥25 m” was changed to “>30 m” and “10–20 m” was changed to 8–20 m” on Page 7 due to ongoing research refining the sizes of the tree. The corrected Table 2 appears below. Tree attributes for poplar (Populus spp.) and kānuka (Kunzea spp.) in a New Zealand hill country silvopastoral system. Tree attributes have been adapted from Wood [15]. The photographs were taken by the lead author. The following changes were made to the references in Table 3: “Guevara-Escobar et al. [26]” and “Wall [27]” were removed from Page 14, and “Guevara-Escobar et al. [26]” was removed from Page 16. Additionally, the Table 3 header was moved to the left and the font size of Table 3 was adjusted to size 8. The corrected Table 3 appears below. Silvopastoral outcomes for poplar (Populus spp.) and kānuka (Kunzea spp.) in a New Zealand hill country silvopastoral system. Tree outcomes have been adapted from Wood [15]. There was an error in the original publication. “Forst.” should be “(G. Forst.) Oerst.” A correction has been made to Section 1. Introduction, paragraph 1: Page 1. There was an error in the original publication. “>15” has been changed to “> 15”. A correction has been made to Section 1. Introduction, paragraph 3: Page 1. There was an error in the original publication. “(Populus spp.)” and “(Salix spp.)” have been removed. A correction has been made to Section 3.1. Poplar and Willow, paragraph 1: Page 5. There was an error in the original publication. “40 year” has been changed to “40-year”. A correction has been made to Section 3.1. Poplar and Willow, paragraph 2: Page 5. There was an error in the original publication. “serotine” should be “serotina”. A correction has been made to Section 3.2. Kānuka, paragraph 1: Page 6. There was an error in the original publication. “(Leptospermum scoparium)” has been removed. A correction has been made to Section 3.2. Kānuka, paragraph 2: Page 6. There was an error in the original publication. The reference “[23,24,25]” should be “[25]”. A correction has been made to Section 4.1. The interaction of Poplar and Kānuka with the Pasture and Soil, paragraph 5: Page 21. There was an error in the original publication. “400-years-old” should be “400 years old”. A correction has been made to Section 4.2. Longevity, paragraph 1: Page 21. There was an error in the original publication. Reference [80] should be removed after kiwi-fruit orchards. A correction has been made to Section 4.6. Bird biodiversity, paragraph 2: Page 22. There was an error in the original publication. “2 year” should be “2-year”. A correction has been made to Section 4.6. Bird biodiversity, paragraph 2: Page 22. There was an error in the original publication. “(Leptospermum scoparium)” has been removed. A correction has been made to Section 4.7. Additional Income, paragraph 1: Page 23. There was an error in the original publication. “7-years-old” should be “7 years old”. A correction has been made to Section 4.7. Additional Income, paragraph 3: Page 23. There was an error in the original publication. Reference [46] has been changed to [52]. A correction has been made to Section 4.7. Additional Income, paragraph 4: Page 23. There was an error in the original publication. reference [52] should be “Ministry for Primary Industries. Forest land in the ETS. Available online: (accessed on 8 May 2020)”. A correction has been made to References section: Page 27. The authors apologize for any inconvenience caused and state that the scientific conclusions are unaffected. The original publication has also been updated.
dc.edition.editionMarch 2023
dc.identifier.citationMackay-Smith TH, Burkitt L, Reid J, López IF, Phillips C. (2023). Correction to: A Framework for Reviewing Silvopastoralism: A New Zealand Hill Country Case Study (Land, (2021), 10, 12, (1386), 10.3390/land10121386). Land. 12. 3.
dc.publisherMDPI (Basel, Switzerland)
dc.rights(c) 2023 The Author/s
dc.rightsCC BY 4.0
dc.titleCorrection to: A Framework for Reviewing Silvopastoralism: A New Zealand Hill Country Case Study (Land, (2021), 10, 12, (1386)
dc.typeJournal article
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