Prevalence and incidence rate of clinical lameness in three New Zealand dairy goat farms

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Taylor and Francis Group
(c) 2023 The Author/s
Clinical lameness has an impact on animal welfare and profitability in different livestock industries. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and incidence rate of clinical lameness within New Zealand dairy goat farms. Up to 3246 goats on three dairy goat farms were observed 4–5 times over one year. Data on locomotion scores and animal information were collected between June 2019 and June 2020. A 5-point (0–4) locomotion scoring scale was used, where scores 3 and 4 were classified as clinical lameness. The average herd-level prevalence of clinical lameness for farms A, B, and C were 23, 12, and 10%, respectively. The annual incidence rate of clinical lameness for farms A, B, and C were 104, 56, and 55 cases per 100 goat-years, respectively. Lameness appears to be a significant welfare issue, with incidence varying between farms and between goats. Investigating both farm-level and goat-level factors is required to understand the epidemiology of lameness and design evidence-based control and prevention measures. Further investigation should be undertaken to identify variables affecting the goat's odds of becoming clinically lame. This study sets the foundation for future study of lameness in commercial dairy goat farms nationally and internationally.
Clinical lameness, dairy goats, prevalence, incidencerate, commercial farming, subjective scoring
Jaques N, Turner SA, Vallee E, Heuer C, Deeming L, Lopez-Villalobos N. (2024). Prevalence and incidence rate of clinical lameness in three New Zealand dairy goat farms. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 67. 3. (pp. 419-433).